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Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Buikstra J. Kongisberg LW (1985) Paleodemography: cririques and controversies Arn Anthropol 87:316-333.
Angel JL (1968): Ecological aspects of paleodemography: In Brothwell DR (ed): "The skeletal Biology of Earlier Human Populations" London: Pergamon Press. pp 263-270
Acsadi G. Nemeskeri J (1970): "History of Human Life Span and Mortality" Budapest: Akademiai Kiado
Walker PL, Johnson JR, Lmbert PM (1988): Age and sex blases in the prescrvation of human skeletal remains. Am J Phys Antropol 76: 183-188
Wess KM (1976): Demographic models for anthropology. Mem Soc Am Archaeol No. 27.