History of Art

History of Art – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
The Forms and Functions of Serbian Art and Visual Culture of the XIX century (Bachelor’s Degree)
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: The course is attended by students enrolled in the third year of a Bachelor’s degree in History of Art studies during the seventh semester.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce students with the context and purpose of Serbian art and visual culture in XIX century.

Course description: The content of the course is oriented towards studying the different contexts of creating and functioning of Serbian visual culture in XIX century. The course analyzes and examines Serbian sacral, political, public and private visual culture. Within the section concerning sacral visual culture the focus is on different cultural models of Serbian church art, concepts of iconostas, and program solutions of wall paintings, as well as on the use of visual culture during the liturgy. A separate portion of the course is dedicated to political propaganda of Serbian dynasties in visual programs. The representative portraits and the pieces of visual propaganda of the Karadjordjevic and Petrovic Dynasties will be analyzed according to their original purpose. The public function of Serbian visual culture of the XIX century will be examined through its usage in creating the state and national identity that will accentuate the role of visual culture in process of shaping the individual identity.

Learning Outcomes: The course will acquire students with knowledge and abilities to understand Serbian art and visual culture of the XIX century based on modern methodological interpretations.

  • N. Makuljević, Umetnost i nacionalna ideja u XIX veku: sistem evropske i srpske vizuelne kulture u službi nacije, Beograd 2006.
  • N. Makuljević, Crkvena umetnost u Kraljevini Srbiji 1882-1914, Beograd 2007.