History of Art

History of Art – Master’s Degree 2014
History of Architecture I
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: The candidate must have attended classes and must have passed exams from the previous years of Art History studies; attendance at lectures and seminars.

Course objectives: Preparing candidates for independent scientific research in the history of architecture.

Course description: Theoretical content of the course is devoted to an in-depth presentation of thematic units, aspects and modes of scientific research in the history of architecture, based on discussing various characteristic wider phenomena or specific examples within the subject matter and the relevant historiography. Practical work involves active participation of candidates in preparing and performing different kinds of tasks which are previously agreed with the teacher, as well as possible field research.

Learning Outcomes: Candidates are qualified for conducting independent professional and scientific research in various fields of the history of architecture issues.

  • R. Mainstone, Hagia Sophia. Architecture, Structure and Liturgy of Justinian’s Great Church, London 1988.
  • Ch. Bouras, Aspects of the Byzantine City, Eighth-Fifteenth Centuries, The Economic History of Byzantium, Dumbarton Oaks Studies 39, Washington D.C. 2002, 497-528.
  • Romanesque Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, ed. by R. Toman, Köln 1997.
  • C. Mango, Les monuments de l’architecture du XIe siècle et leur signification historique et sociale, Travaux et Memoires 11 (1976), 358-375.
  • S. Popović, Krst u krugu. Arhitektura manastira u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1993.
  • R.Krautheimer, Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture, Harmondsworth 1989
  • A.Moravansky, Competing Visions – Aesthetic Invention and Social Imagination in Central European Architecture, 1867-1918, Cambridge, Mass. 1997.
  • Italian Renaissance Architecture from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, ed. by H.Millon, London 1994.
  • Baroque. Architecture,Sculpture,Painting, ed. by R. Toman, Koln 1998.
  • Neoclassicism and Romanticism, 1750-1848. ed. by R. Toman, Koln 2000.