History of Art

History of Art – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Introduction into Heritage Studies (Bachelor’s Degree)
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: The attendance to lectures and group in-class discussions is mandatory, including the presentations of individual projects. This course is an elective course to all the students enrolled in studies at the University of Belgrade.

Course objectives: The goal of the course is to introduce students the philosophy of testimonies and epistemology of patrimonies, as well as for students to obtain understanding the purpose of collecting testimonials and their use that will lead to adopting multidisciplinary heritage doctrine.

Course description: The content of the course includes: The fundamental knowledge about Heritage, The Philosophy of Museality, historical paradigms of heritage and modern interpretation of the term patrimony, the technologies of Museality and governing processes in heritage practice. The process concerning museality will be demonstrated in discussions about: Heritage and historical truth, Heritage through educational processes, Mandatory education and specialized programs, Heritage protection and similar practices, Heritage and interests (Heritage and “national trademark”).

Learning Outcomes: The course is designed to acquire students with adequate knowledge for identifying the heritage values and for obtaining the techniques for including the same in process of further education.

  • Andre Chastel, "Pojam baštine", Pogledi 3-4, vol. 18, Split 1988, 709-723.
  • Dragan Bulatović, "Baštinstvo ili o nezaboravljanju", Kruševački zbornik, 11, 2005, 7-20.
  • Stevan Tomić, Spomenici kulture i njihova svojstva i vrednosti, Beograd 1983.
  • Grupa autora, "Identitet"; "Proizvodnja"; "Vrednost", u: Kritički termini istorije umetnosti, Novi Sad 2004, 418-431; 435-458; 499-516.
  • Vladimir Brguljan, Sistem zaštite spomenika u SR Srbiji, Beograd 1967, 5-14.
  • Ivo Maroević, Uvod u muzeologiju, Zagreb, 1993, 50-69; 189-199.
  • Dragan Bulatović, „Muzealizacija stvarnije budućnosti“, Muzeji 2, 2009, 7-15.
  • Dragan Bulatović, "Muzej kao ekonomija želje", Zbornik Seminara za studije moderne umetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, V, 2009, 21-36.
  • Alaida Asman, "O metaforici sećanja", Reč: časopis za književnost i kulturu, Br. 56(2), 1999, 121-136
  • Angelina R. Milosavljević, „Humanističko obrazovanje kao mogućnost objedinjenog diskursa o svetu“, u: Teorije i prakse nauke u društvu, Beograd 2012, 238-244.
  • Alaida Asman, Rad na nacionalnom pamćenju, Beograd, 2002, 9-34.
  • Juka Jukileto, "Aspekti autentičnosti", Glasnik Društva konzervatora Srbije 26, 2002, 11-16.
  • Dragan Bulatović, „Strategije baštinjenja: kulturna baština, vrednovanje, očuvanje i uslovi kulturnog okruženja“, u: Crna Gora u XXI stoljeću – u eri kompetitivnosti, CANU 2010.
  • Ivo Maroević, Baštinom u svijet, Petrinja 2004.
  • Marko Špikić (prir.), Anatomija povjesnog spomenika, Zagreb 2006.
  • Dragan Bulatović, "Muzeologija i/kao hermeneutika", u: Muzej kao slika svijeta?, Glasnik Narodnog muzeja Crne Gore god 1, broj 1 (Nova serija. II knjiga), 111-120