
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Methods in teaching History
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 12.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams according to the programs of the departments at the University of Philosophy (including psychology and pedagogy)

Course objectives: Methodological preparation of students for working in the education sector (elementary to upper ed). Through the theoretical and practical aspects of the course, students will be trained to independently conducting class, apply research methods in history class, and produce textbooks and accompanying workbooks or manuals.

Course description: Theoretical component: History of education, methodological approaches in teaching history in elementary or high school education, fundamentals of archiving – especially related to cooperation between archives and schools, methodology of scientific research especially related to producing scientific articles & papers of all types – final bachelor's, masters level work, examining textbooks and producing manuals and didactic materials, writing and administering exams (for a license). Practical component (fieldwork): Students will intern at an elementary school.Total hours should add up to 40. During the internship students will conduct research for their final paper.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course, students will possess basic theoretical and methodological knowledge necessary for conducting history class (applying research methods), producing textbooks, manuals and other didactic materials, producing school chronicles and working with and editing materials for class.

  • R.Stradling,Nastava evropske istorije 20.veka,Beograd 2002.
  • Ključni pojmovi za kraj obaveznog osnovnog obrazovanja - istorija, urednik A.Đurović (autori poglavlja: A.Đurović,Lj.Dimić,S.Rajić,M.Šujica,S.Ferjančić), Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja Beograd 2008.
  • A.Đurović,Modernizacija obrazovanja u Kraljevini Srbiji 1905-1914,Istorijski institut,Beograd 2004.
  • Ključna znanja iz prošlosti u nastavnim predmetima svet oko nas i priroda i društvo kao osnova za učenje istorije, Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja, Beograd 2010 (priredili A.Đurović,V.Grahovac).
  • Rob Phillips, Reflective Teaching of History 11-18,Continuum, London 2005.
  • R.Turner-Bisset,Creative Teaching :History in the Primary Classroom,David Fulton Publishers,London,2005.
  • P.N.Stearns,P.Seihas,S.Wineburg,(2000),Knowing,Teaching&Learning History,New York University
  • M.Sauer, Geschichte Unterrichten,Eine Einführung in die Didaktik und Methodik,Klett,Selze,2006
  • Obrazovni standardi za kraj obaveznog obrazovanja za nastavni predmet istorija, Zavod za vrednovanje kvaliteta obrazovanja i vaspitanja,Ministarstvo prosvete, Beograd 2007.
  • A.Đurović,Film kao istorijski izvor i mogućnost primene u nastavi istorije, Nastava istorije, 2, Društvo istoričara Južne Bačke i Srema, Novi Sad, 1995, str.193-201.
  • A.Đurović,Strukturna analiza učenika prvog razreda gimnazije kao osnova za postavku diferenciranog nastavnog metoda, Nastava istorije, 4, Novi Sad, 1996, str.106-113.
  • A.Pešikan, Shvatanje istorijskog vremena kod dece, Nastava istorije,7, Novi Sad,110-129.