
History – Doctoral Degree 2009
Settlements and populations in Serbia and Bosnia during the Middle Ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: Students should possess elementary knowledge of the contemporary physical geography of the central Balkans. They will be required to attend classes and take an active part in meeting class goals, as well as completing one paper on a chosen subject.

Course objectives: This course will provide a more detailed look at the problematics of settlements and the settling of Serbian land during the middle ages. Students will learn the typology and structure of villages and settlements during their historical development.

Course description: This course will examine the material chronologically and by looking at specific issues, in order to gain a holistic picture of the settlements in Serbia during the middle ages, in the context of its political and economic history.

Learning Outcomes: Students will gain detailed insight into the problematics of settlements and the settling of Serbian land during the middle ages; the typology and structure of villages and settlements during their historical development.

  • S. Novaković, Selo, Beograd 1965.
  • S.Ćirković, Neostvarena autonomija: gradsko društvo u Srbiji i Bosni, u: Rabotnici, vojnici, duhovnici, Beograd 1997, 257-274.
  • M. Blagojević, Grad i župa – međe gradskog društva, Socijalna struktura sprskih gradskih naselja (XII-XVIII vek), Smederevo 1992, 67-84.
  • R. Mihaljčić, Selišta, Zbornik FF u Beogradu IX-1 (1967), 173-224.
  • S. Mišić, Korišćenje unutrašnjih voda u srpskim zemljama srednjeg veka, Beograd 2007.
  • S. Mišić, Jugioistočna Srbija u srednjem veku, Vranje 2002.
  • M. Antonović, Grad i župa u Zetskom primorju i severnoj Albaniji u 14. i 15. veku, Beograd 2003.
  • M. Dinić, Srpske zemlje u srednjem veku, Beograd 1978.
  • K. Jireček, Trgovački putevi i rudnici Srbije i Bosne u srednjem veku, Zbornik K. Jirečeka I (1959), 205-303.
  • G. Škrivanić, Putevi u srednjovekovnoj Srbiji, Beograd 1978.
  • O. Zirojević, Carigradski drum od Beograda do Sofije 1459-1683, Zbornik IMS 7 (1970), 3-196.
  • Mrgić-Radojčić, J., Donji Kraji. Krajina srednjovekovne Bosne, Beograd 2002.
  • Anđelić, P., Trgovište, varoš i grad u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni, GZM – Arheologija 19 (1963), 179-192.
  • Anđelić, P., Studije o teritorijalnopolitičkoj organizaciji srednjovjekovne Bosne, Sarajevo 1982.