
History – Master’s Degree 2014
History of the serbian people in the early middle ages
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 6.00
Pre-requisites: regular class attendance, participation in class, fulfilling academic responsibilities.

Course objectives: For students to gain critical knowledge on the early middle ages, as viewed through the lens of dynasties as the most important state institution from the 9th to the 12th century.

Course description: For the theoretical component, students will master what is available as far as sources on serbian dynasties in the early feudal period, in other words, from the forming of the serbian state to the appearance of the Nemanjic dynasty. In addition, every member of the dynasty that ruled at some time will be examined through the sources, paying attention to familial ties with other dynasties. Practically, this course will mostly utilize byzantine sources of material, since there are not enough local sources.

Learning Outcomes: Knowledge of the early middle ages, through the lens of dynasties as the most important state institution from the 9th to the 12th century.

  • Istorija srpskog naroda 1, Beograd 1981, 109-211.
  • Istorija Crne Gore 1, Titograd 1967, 281-420.
  • Vizantijski izvori za istoriju naroda Jugoslavije I–IV, Beograd 1955–1970.
  • J. Kalić, Evropa i Srbi, Beograd 2006.
  • T. Živković, Portreti srpskih vladara (IX–XII vek), Beograd 2006.
  • S. Ćirković, Srbi u srednjem veku, Beograd 2005.
  • T. Živković, De Conversione Croatorum et Serborum : izgubljeni izvor Konstantina Porfirogenita, Beograd 2013
  • T. Živković, Crkvena organizacija u srpskim zemljama : (rani srednji vek), Beograd 2011
  • Gesta regum sclavorum, ed. T. Živković, D. Kunčer, Beograd 2009
  • T. Živković, Duklja između Raške i Vizantije u prvoj polovini XII veka, ZRVI 43 (2006) 451-466
  • T. Živković, Južni Sloveni pod vizantijskom vlašću : 600-1025, Beograd 2007
  • Đ. Bubalo, K. Mitrović, R. Radić, Jurisdikcija Katoličke crkve u Sremu, Beograd 2010, 13-70
  • G. Ostrogorski, Istorija Vizantije, Beograd 1959, 70-330
  • S. Pirivatrić, Samuilova država, Beograd 1997
  • J. W. A. Fine Jr., The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century, University of Michigan Press, 1991