
History – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
Early Modern History
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 2
Recommended Semester: 3
ECTS Credits Allocated: 8.50
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of general history that students obtained during their previous years of study. Some fluency in English and at least one other relevant language (french, german, italian, spanish)

Course objectives: Gaining basic knowledge and understanding the ideas of modernity from the renaissance, reformation, baroque, rationalism and enlightenment periods. Insight into suppositions of modern European culture and the exceptional accomplishments in historiography, especially methodology, during that time.

Course description: Theoretical component: this is a general course that addresses fundamental themes of early modernity and their implications in contemporary science. The course additionally provides insight into matieral offered by manuals and textbooks. One segment of the basic material will be part of the colloquium exams Practical component: class seminars deal with contents from the general course. Students present topics from contemporary literature, interpret sources and prepare presentations related to concrete historic problems.

Learning Outcomes: Students gain basic skills, meaning – learning to authenticate facts, understand complex historical processes and orally and through writing critically interpret historic literature, raise questions and pose answers.

  • H. G. Kenigsberger, Dž. K. Bouler, Dž. L. Mouz, Evropa u šesnaestom veku, Beograd, Klio, 2002.
  • D. H. Penington, Evropa u sedamnaestom veku, Klio, Beograd, 2002.
  • M. S. Anderson, Evropa u osamnaestom veku, Beograd, Klio, 2003.
  • Istorija Osmanskog carstva, priredio R. Mantran, Beograd: Clio 2002, 272-345, 509-527.
  • Nikola Samardžić, Istorija Španije. Beograd, Plato, 2003, 2005 2. izd.
  • Nikola Samardžić, Karlo V. Beograd, 2001, 2005 2. izd.
  • P. Chaunu, Civilizacija klasične Evrope, Beograd, 1977.
  • F. Brodel, Mediteran i mediteranski svet u doba Filipa II, I-II, Beograd, 2001.
  • Žan Delimo, Civilizacija renesanse, Novi Sad, 1989.
  • F. Brodel, Spisi o istoriji, Beograd 1992.
  • F. Aries, Ž. Dibi (prir.), Istorija privatnog života 3, Beograd 2002.
  • M. Peri, Intelektualna istorija Evrope, Beograd 2000.
  • H. Inaldžik, Osmansko Carstvo. Klasično doba 1300–1600, Beograd 1974, 1-168.
  • A. Fotić, „Između zakona i njegove primene”, Privatni život na tlu srpskih zemalja u osvit modernog doba, priredio A. Fotić, Beograd: Clio 2005, 27-71.
  • M. Greene, “The Ottoman Experience”, Daedalus 134, 2 (2005) 88-99.
  • H. İnalcık, “Ottoman Methods of Conquest”, Studia Islamica II (1954) 103-129 [= isti, The Ottoman Empire: Conquest, Organization and Economy, London: Variorum Reprints 1978, I].
  • H. İnalcık, , “The Policy of Mehmed II Toward the Greek Population of Istanbul and the Byzantine Buildings of the City”, Dumbarton Oaks Papers 23/24 (1969/1970) 231-249 [= isti, The Ottoman
  • G. Necipoğlu, “Süleyman the Magnificient and the Representation of Power in the Context of Ottoman-Hapsburg-Papal Rivalry”, Süleymân the Second and His Time, Istanbul: The Isis Pre
  • G. Ágoston, “’The Most Powerful’ Empire: Ottoman Flexibility and Military Might”, Empires and Superpowers. Their Rise & Fall, eds. G. Zimmar, D. Hicks, Washington 2005, 127-157 (167).
  • A. Williams, “Mediterranean Conflict”, Süleyman the Magnificient and His Age. The Ottoman Empire in the Early Modern World, eds. M. Kunt, Ch. Woodhead, London and New York: Longman 1997, 39-54.
  • N. Samardžić, Francuska i Turska 1687–1691, Beograd: Istorijski institut 1992, 12-46.
  • R. Samardžić, Beograd i Srbija u spisima francuskih savremenika XVI–XVII vek, Beograd: Istoriski arhiv Beograda, 1961, 19-32.
  • R. H. Davison, “’Russian Skill and Turkish Imbecility’: The Treaty of Kuchuk Kainardji Reconsidered”, Slavic Review 35, 3 (1976) 463-483.
  • A. Matkovski, „Prilog pitanju devširme“, Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju XIV-XV/1964-65 (1969) 273-30.
  • V. Ménage, “Devshirme”, EI2.
  • A. Fisher, “Chattel Slavery in the Ottoman Empire”, Slavery and Abolition I/1 (1980) 25-41.
  • S. Faroqhi, “Images of the World and the Times”, Subjects of the Sultan. Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire, London – New York: I. B. Tauris, 20052, 61-79.
  • S. Faroqhi, “Borders and Those Who Crossed Them”, Subjects of the Sultan. Culture and Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire, London – New York: I. B. Tauris, 20052, 80-100.
  • R. Gradeva, “The Activities of a Kadi Court in Eighteenth-Century Rumeli: The Case of Hacioğlu Pazarcik”, Oriente Moderno XVIII (LXXIX), 1 (1999) 177-190
  • M. Âkif Aydin, „Pravo kod Osmanlija“, Historija osmanske civilizacije, prir. E. Ihsanoğlu, Sarajevo: Orijentalni institut, 2004, 515-550.
  • H. İnalcık, “Mutual Political and Cultural Influences Between Europe and Ottomans”, Ottoman Civilization, 2, eds. H. İnalcık, G. Renda, Ankara: Ministry of Culture, 2003, 1049-1089
  • S. Brentjes, “Western European Travelers in the Ottoman Empire and Their Scholarly Endeavors (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries)”, The Turks, 3, Ottomans, eds. H. C. Güzel & oth., Ankara 2002, 795-8
  • R. Gradeva, “Orthodox Christians in the Kadı Courts: The Practice of the Sofia Sheriat Court, Seventeenth Century”, Islamic Law and Society 4, 1 (1997) 37-69.
  • R. Gradeva, “Ottoman Policy Towards Christian Church Buildings”, Etudes balkanique 4 (1994) 14-36.
  • A. Fotić, „Konfiskacija i prodaja crkvenih imanja u vreme Selima II (problem crkvenih vakufa)“, Balcanica XXVII (1996) 45-77.
  • S. Shaw, History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey. Volume I: Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1280–1808, London 1976, 157-162.
  • S. Faroqhi, “Social Life in Cities”, An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire, eds. H. İnalcık with D. Quataert, vol. 2: 1600–1914, Cambridge 19993, 576-598.
  • S. Ivanova, “Muslim Charity Foundations (Vakf) and the Models of Religious Behavior of Ottoman Social Estates in Rumeli (Late 15th to 19th Centuries)”, Wiener Zeitschrift zur Geschichte der Neuzeit 5,
  • Svu literaturu obezbeđuje predavač.