Етнологија и антропологија

Не постоје подаци о траженом курсу.
План курса:

1. недеља
предавање - Koncept pomirenja u mitovima, filozofiji i religioznoj tradiciji tokom istori
• Petrović, N. (2005). Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd (str. 53-63)

2. недеља
предавање - Uloga psiholoških faktora u objašnjenju socijalno relevantnih fenomena
• Petrović, N. (2005). Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd (str. 17-52) • Bar-Tal, D. (2004). The necessity of observing real life situations: Palestinian-Israeli violence as a laboratory for learning about social behaviour. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 677-701

3. недеља
предавање - Definisanje koncepta ‘pomirenje’, njegovih formi, aspekata i elemenata
• Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. International Idea, Stockholm, Chapter 1: Reconciliation: An Introduction, pp. 12-17 & Chapter 2: The Process of Reconciliation, pp. 19-32 • Bar-Tal, D. (2000.) From Intractable Conflict Through Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation: Psychological Analysis. Political Psychology, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.351-366

4. недеља
предавање - Konstitutivni elementi konfliktnog etosa
• Petrović, N. (2005.) Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, str. 94-100 • Bar-Tal, D. (1998.) Societal Beliefs in Times of Intractable Conflict: The Israeli Case. International Journal of Conflict Management, No. 9, pp. 22-50

5. недеља
предавање - Različiti teorijski pristupi pomirenju
• Petrović, N. (2005.) Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, str. 79-88 & 132-140 • Galtung, J. (2001.) After Violence, Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Resolution: Coping With Visible and Invisible Effects of War and Violence. In M. Abu-Nimer (Eds.) Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence. Theory and Practice. Lexington Books, London, pp. 3-21

6. недеља
предавање - Uloga emocija, psihoanalitički i evolucionistički pristupi pomirenju
• Petrović, N. (2005.) Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, str. 105-131 & 254-256 • Bar-Tal, D. (2001.) Why Does Fear Override Hope in Societies Engulfed by Intractable Conflicts, as It Does in the Israeli Society?, Political Psychology, 22, 601-627.

7. недеља
предавање - Psihologija žrtava i rad sa žrtvama u traumatizovanim zajednicama
• Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. International Idea, Stockholm, Chapter 4: Victims, pp. 54-66 • Staub, E. & L. A. Pearlman (2001.) Healing, Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Rwanda. Project Summary and Outcome. Final Report to the John Templeton Foundation. Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia and London • Ajduković, D. (2003.) Social Reconstruction of Community. In D. Ajduković (Ed.) Social Reconstruction of Community. Socie

8. недеља
предавање - Psihologija izvršilaca zločina i “neutralnih posmatrača”
• Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. International Idea, Stockholm, Chapter 5 – Offenders, pp. 67-76 • Staub, E. (2003.) The Psychology of Bystanders, Perpetrators and Heroic Helpers. In E. Staub: The Psychology of Good and Evil. Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others. Cambridge University Press, first part of chapter 22, pp. 291-305

9. недеља
предавање - Proceci žalovanja i iscelenja (mourning and healing)
• Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. International Idea, Stockholm, Chapter 6 – Healing, pp. 77-87 • Arambašić, L. (2003.) The Losses and Mourning and Their Consequences for an Individual and Community. In D. Ajduković (Ed.) Social Reconstruction of Community. Society for Psychological Help, Zagreb, pp. 123-151

10. недеља
предавање - Poricanje i drugi mehanizmi odbrane
• Cohen, S. (2001.) States of Denial. Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering. Polity Press, pp. 23-46, 89-178 • Bar-Tal, D. (1998.) Collective Memory of Physical Violence: Its Contribution to the Culture of Violence. In: E. Cairns & M. D. Roe (Eds.) Memories in Conflict, Macmillan, London

11. недеља
предавање - Metode pomirenja
• Kriesberg, L. (2003.) Comparing Reconciliation Actions Within and Among Countries. In Y. Bar-Siman-Tov (Eds.) From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. Oxford University Press, pp. 81-110 • Bar-Tal, D. & G. Bennink (2002.) Nature of Reconciliation As an Outcome and As a Process. In Y. Bar-Siman- Tov (Ed.). From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. Oxford University Press (a part under subtitle ‘Methods of Reconciliation Process’)

12. недеља
предавање - Priznavanje istine i opraštanje
• Govier, T (2003.) What is Acknowledgement and Why Is It Important. In: C.Prager & T. Govier (Eds.) Dilemmas of Reconciliation. Cases and Concepts. Wilfrid Laurier University Press • Cohen, S. (2001.) States of Denial. Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering. Polity Press. Chapters 9 & 10, pp. 319-391. • Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. International Idea, Stockholm, Chapter 8 – Truth Telling, pp. 122-138 • Minow, M. (1998.): Betw

13. недеља
предавање - Mogućnost empirijskih istraživanja u oblasti pomirenja
• Petrović, N. (2005.) Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99” i Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, str. 161-168, 200-268 • Usmene istorije. Vol. I-V. Edicija Ljudi u ratu. Intervjui sa bivšim ratnicima i civilima iz regiona zahvaćenih ratom u Bosni i Hrvatskoj, Dokumentacioni centar “Ratovi 1991-99”, Beograd, Izdanja iz 2004 i 2005

14. недеља
предавање - Ka kulturi mira
• Wessells, M., M. Schwebel & A, Anderson (2001.) Psychologist Making a Difference in the Public Arena: Building Cultures of Peace. In: D. J. Christie, R, V. Wagner & D.D. Winter (Eds.) Peace, Conflict, and Violence. Peace Psychology for the 21st Century. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, pp. 350-362 • Staub, E. (2003.) Changing Cultures and Society. In E. Staub: The Psychology of Good and Evil. Why Children, Adults, and Groups Help and Harm Others. Cambridge University Press, pp. 483-487

15. недеља
- - Ispit
Литература и извори података:
Општа обавезна литература
Petrović, N. (2005). Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka. Beograd: Institut za psihologiju i Dokumentacioni centar «Ratovi 1991-1999»
Abu-Nimer, M. (2001).(Ed.) Reconciliation, Justice, and Coexistence. Theory and Practice. London: Lexington Books
Bar-Tal, D. (2000.) From Intractable Conflict Through Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation: Psychological Analysis. Political Psychology, Vol. 21, No 2, pp.351-366
Bloomfield, D., T. Barnes & L. Huyse (2003.) Reconciliation After Violent Conflict. A Handbook. Stockholm: International Idea
Bar-Siman-Tov, Y (2003). (Ed.) From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation. Oxford University Press
Prager, C. & T. Govier (2003). (Eds.) Dilemmas of Reconciliation. Cases and Concepts. Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Lederach J. P. (1997.) Building Peace. Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. United States
Општа допунска литература
Long, W. J. and P. Brecke (2003.) War and Reconciliation. Reason and Emotion in Conflict Resolution. MIT Press, Cambridge & London
Helmick, R. G. and R. Petersen (Eds.) Forgiveness and Reconciliation. Religion, Public Policy, and Conflict Transformation. Templeton Foundation Press, Philadelphia and London
Christie, D. J.; R, V. Wagner & D.D. Winter (2001). (Eds.) Peace, Conflict, and Violence. Peace Psychology for the 21st Century. Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Cohen, S. (2001.) States of Denial. Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering. Polity Press
Minow, M. (1998.): Between Vengeance and Forgiveness. Facing History after Genocide and Mass Violence. Beacon Press, Boston
Salomon, G. & B. Nevo (2002). (Eds.) Peace Education: The Concept, Principles, and Practices Around the World. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, Mahwah
Lederach J. P. (1997.) Building Peace. Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies. United States Institute of Peace Press, Washington, D.C.