Karlovci Grammar School is launching a project of an annual summer school of classical languages and tradition called ‘Collegium Carolivicanum – Karlovci Latin School’.

The theme framework of the project involves the interpretation and transmission of the European classical heritage through complementing and enhancement of the knowledge of the ancient civilization and the classical languages as its bearers, with special effort being put in representing Latin in broader cultural and historical context as

In addition to the educational and pedagogic potential which derives from the theme framework, The Latin Summer School, in its format which will include

will offer an efficient pattern of enhancement of language skills and their integration into a meaningful whole, where the ‘passive’ and ‘active’ knowledge naturally blend in the process of mastering the language.

Formally, thematically and methodologically similar to other endeavors in this area (as well as being formulated according to the experiences of seasonal Latin schools around Europe), Collegium Carolivicanum will also have its own distinctive profile:

In realizing the project Collegium Carolivicanum, Karlovci Grammar School will be collaborating with the Philological High School of Belgrade and the Institute of Antiquity and Classical Heritage at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, as well as with the renowned experts from Serbia and abroad.