
Andragogy – Doctoral Degree 2014
Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Adult Education Research
Status: compulsory
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 10.00
Pre-requisites: /

Course objectives: Introducing students into the basic theoretical-methodological problems of adult education, their training for critical review of the ways of learning in adult education and designing and realization of scientific research in the field of adult education.

Course description: Theoretical course: Subject-methodological connection of adult education to other sciences. Adult education as an educational discipline or an individual science. Different approaches to defining the subject of adult education. The characteristics of scientific learning in adult education. Research orientations in adult education. Research difficulties in adult education. Facts – hypotheses – scientific laws – scientific theories. Practical course: Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research of education and learning of adults. Fundamental, operational and developmental research in adult education.

Learning Outcomes: Student will: understand the fundamental questions of adult education and research orientations within it, be capable of critical analysis of different epistemological-methodological approaches to adult education and of designing scientific research in the field of adult education.

  • Savićević, D. (1991). Savremena shvatanja andragogije, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta, Prosveta koprodukcija, Beograd.
  • Mužić, V. (1977). Metodologija pedagoškog istraživanja. Svjetlost - Zavod za udžbenike, Sarajevo. str. 9-62, 145-325.
  • Najgel, E. (1985). Struktura nauke. Beograd, Nolit
  • Potkonjak, N, (1977), Teorijsko-metodološki problemi pedagogije, Prosveta, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
  • Ristić, Ž. (1995). O istraživanju, metodu i znanju, Institut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
  • Savićević, D. (2002). Filozofski osnovi andragogije, Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
  • Lakićević, M., Knežić, B. (2011). Istraživanje u socijalnoj politici i socijalnom radu. FPN i Čigoja. str. 13-84.
  • Šešić, B. (1982). Osnovi metodologije društvenih nauka. Naučna knjiga, Beograd.
  • Milas, G. (2005). Istraživačke metode u psihologiji i drugim društvenim znanostima, Naklada Slap, Zagreb, str. 3-88.