
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Adult Education Didactics
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: Acquisition of theoretical knowledge and skills about the conceptions, theories and specificities of adult education. Development of teacher competences in curriculum design, and the planning, organising and carrying out of teaching activities for adult learners, and for the monitoring and assessment of teaching and learning effects on adult learners.

Course description: Theoretical instruction Adult learning – psychological foundations, characteristics, adult learning styles – Curriculum for teaching adult learners: concept, approaches, principles – Outcome/competences-based models for planning the education and learning of adults – Group dynamics and group management in adult education – Interactive methods in adult education – Communication, visualisation and presentation in adult education – Assessment, monitoring and evaluation in adult education – Teacher of adult learners: functions, roles and teaching styles. Practical instruction Characteristics and learning styles of adults – Adult education curriculum – Models of planning adult education and teaching (group of models) – Managing groups in adult education – Interactive methods in adult education – Communication, visualisation and presentation – Assessment, monitoring and evaluation – Teacher functions and roles and teaching styles in adult education

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: understand the conceptions, theories and specific methodological characteristics of adult education; independently plan and organize teaching for adult learners; select teaching/learning methods and teaching tools and resources in accordance with teaching aims and objectives, achievement/competency standards of the vocational specialization and the characteristics of the teaching content; perform continuous monitoring and assessment of learners; critically evaluate the quality of their own work and improve it according to the findings.

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  • Alibabić, Š., Ovesni, K. (2008). Savremena tehnologija kao podrška realizaciji koncepta doživotnog obrazovanja i učenja Obrazovanje odraslih, br. 2, BKC i IIZ/DVV.
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  • Kowalski, T.J. (1988). The Organization and Planning of Adult Education. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Kulić, R., Despotović, M. (2004). Uvod u andragogiju. Beograd: Svet knjige.
  • Nuissl, E. (2008),Qualifying Professionals for Adult Learning in Europe, Bielefeld, w. Bertelsmann Verlag.
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