
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Introduction to E-Learning
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 1
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: Developing teacher competences for planning, organizing and carrying out teaching of a subject/group of subjects with the aid of new educational technologies. Monitoring and assessing the effects of online teaching and learning, in accordance with teaching objectives in the given field and with standards of learner achievement.

Course description: Theoretical instruction Introduction to e-learning – basic concepts (e-learning, distance learning, online education). The specificities of learning in an online environment. Theories of education (behavioural, cognitive and constructivist) and their relevance for distance learning. Theoretical foundations of e-learning – the Bates model and the Bonk model of web integration into teaching. Creating digital educational content and the principles of instructional design. Developing infrastructure for online learning. Planning and developing online courses. E-learning technologies – synchronous and asynchronous. The Web/e-Learning 2.0 – services and tools. Moderating online discussions. Online knowledge assessment (formative and summative). E-learning evaluation and quality assurance. Technical and administrative support for learners and teachers. Practical instruction Preparing and creating digital educational content. Using learning management systems. Creating and managing an online/hybrid course. Moderating online discussions. Planning online activities in accordance with teaching/learning aims (model selection, planning of learner activities). Selection and implementation of Web 2.0 services and tools. Planning online activities. Critical analysis of online activities. Online knowledge assessment. Quality control of online/hybrid courses

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: plan and organize distance teaching/hybrid teaching in accordance with the curriculum, syllabus and achievement/competency standards of the vocational specialization, select appropriate methods of teaching/learning; use ICT – learning management systems to create digital educational content; perform continuous monitoring (formative assessment) and evaluation of learners’ progress (summative assessment);

  • The Theory and Practice of Online Learning (2nd Revised edition) by Terry Anderson, Athabaska University, Canada. 2008, ISBN: 9781897425084
  • I. Ivić, A. Pešikan, S. Antić, Aktivno učenje 2, Institut za psihologiju, Beograd, 2001. ISBN 86-80269-55-7
  • D. Šćepanović Elektronsko učenje – Odabrane teme, WUS Austria, Beograd, 2010
  • Bajčetić, M. (2006): Šta je elektronsko učenje? Od ideje do praktične primene, Multimedijalne tehnologije i savremena metodologija u edukaciji iz poblasti morfoloških nauka, Medicinski fakultet
  • Interna skripta u dogovoru s nastavnikom (u zavisnosti od predmeta)