
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Academic Language Competences Language Academic Competencies
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: The development of critical attitudes towards specific needs for academic language, as well as the development of academic discourse competences.

Course description: This course deals with the definition, analysis and critical interpretation of academic language competences. There is a particular focus on elements of academic discourse through the acquisition of specific knowledge of academic writing, listening, academic oral production, as well as on the needs for research competences. Students are encouraged to acquire the knowledge of and hold a critical stance towards the manipulation of language in context-reduced communicative situations, to use formal styles, to acquire particular registers used in specific teaching areas and subjects, to use internationalisms, to get acquainted with the language of academic textbooks, etc.

Learning Outcomes: Students should: • Critically interpret theoretical tenets concerning academic language competences. • Identify and use various linguistic competences and levels in accordance with the current theoretical tenets. • Use critically their own academic discourse. • Encourage learners to develop academic language.

  • Jordan, R.R. 2007, English for Academic Purposes, Cambridge Teaching Library
  • Volemer 2006a: H. Vollemer, Towards a Common European Instrument for Language(s) of Education, Strasbourg.
  • Vučo , J. 2009: Kako se učio jezik. Pogled u istoriju glotodidaktike. Filološki fakultet, Beograd.
  • Vučo, J. 2010 Akademska kompetencija, jezik obrazovanja – srpski i italijanski, Srpski jezik u upotrebi. Ur: M. Kovačević, Filološko - umetnički fakultet, Kragujevac, 427 – 237.
  • Vučo, J. 2011. Srpski jezik i jezici obrazovanja, Književni (standardni) jezik i jezik književnosti, Ur: M. Kovačević, FILUM, Kragujevac, str. 279 – 287.
  • Zajednički evropski referentni okvir za žive jezike, 2005, Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Crne Gore, Podgorica