
Master Programme for Subject Teachers in Serbia 2013
Interculturality in Foreign Language Teaching
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 1
Recommended Semester: 2
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00

Course objectives: Students are acquainted with the theoretical bases of intercultural glotodidactics. They develop critical thinking and the accompanying behaviour in culturally specific linguistic and extralinguistic contexts.

Course description: The conceptual and terminological determination: culture/civilisation. Cultural studies and linguo-pragmatics (Landeskunde) in various scholarly traditions. Theories of interculturality and intraculturality; the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, the language deficit hypothesis (Basil Bernstein), the difference hypothesis (William Labov), linguistic relativity and linguistic universalism. Interculturality from linguistic, sociological, ethnological, anthropological and theological perspectives. Interculturality and transculturality; everyday cultures, subcultures, minority cultures. Migration issues: assimilation – integration – distancing – alienation – segregation. Xenology, xenophobia, xenophilia. Intercultural semantics (thematic areas: friendship, food, leisure, etc.). Intercultural pragmatics (polite phrases, taboo themes, taboo breaking, speech and silence, turn taking etc). Nonverbal and paraverbal behaviour, proxemics.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to: - identify and critically assess culturally determined linguistic and extralinguistic contents, - develop empathy for diverse cultural models, - choose on their own, didactisise and use culturally specific teaching materials.

  • Byram, Micahel & Morgan, Carol (eds). 1994. Teaching-and-Learning-Language-and-Culture. Clevadon: Multilingual Matters LDT.
  • Dervin, Fred & Suomela Salmi, Eija (eds). 2010. New approaches to assessing Language and (Inter-)Cultural Competence in Higher Education. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.
  • Durbaba, Olivera. 2011. Teorija i praksa učenja i nastave stranih jezika. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike.
  • Filipović, Jelena. 2009. Moć reči. Ogledi iz kritičke sociolingvistike. Beograd: Zadužbina Andrejević.
  • Kramsch, Claire & McConnell/Ginet, Sally (eds.). 1992. Text and Context. Cross/Disciplinary Perspectives on Language Study. Lexington/Toronto: D.C. Heath and Co.
  • Vučo, Julijana. 2009. Kako se učio jezik. Pogled u istoriju glotodidaktike. Beograd: Filološki fakultet.
  • Zajednički evropski referentni okvir za žive jezike. 2003. Podgorica: Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Crne Gore
  • Zarate, Genevieve (coordination). 2004. Cultural mediation in language learning and teaching. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.