Ethnology and Anthropology

Ethnology and Anthropology – Bachelor’s Degree 2014
National ethnology / anthropology - Identity and knowledge
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 8
ECTS Credits Allocated: 5.00
Pre-requisites: Common obligations, regulated by the Statute. The course requires no formal prerequisites. Although separate courses, it is complementary with mandatory courses General Methodology of Science, Ethnological and anthropological theory and Methodology of ethnology and anthropology.

Course objectives: The main objective of the course is to inform of the methodological concepts, strategies, decisions, recommendations and examples from the history of the methodological idea of ethnography, polarized views regarding the distinction between native / regular anthropology and ethnographic realism / anti-realism. The expected goal is to critically access (after successfully completing the exam): a) the history of ethnographic production in a methodologically relevant national context, b) students theoretical and ethnographic field research, c) past views on ethnography and d) the future transfer

Course description: The course is organized around the need for critical reinterpretation of theoretical and methodological heritage of ethnology / anthropology in Serbia from the anti-realist and neo-realist perspective. Subject matter is the contemporary context of the global and local crises in the reception of the discipline in its transformation from a national science (Serbian ethnology as a native anthropology) in to a global anthropology. The area under discussion deals with the political and methodological debates about the "native" or "domestic" in the anthropological perspective of production, the role of dichotomies "regular" versus "native" events in the history of anthropology and ethnology as well as the status of “Serbian Anthropology at home". The theme is divided into two parts, and the corresponding division pertains to the division of semesters. First semester tackles the processing of the "native" anthropology concept in a theoretical and methodological disciplinary heritage of the global community, while the second semester focuses on a number of topics and issues related to "nativity" Serbian ethnology. Also, the aim of the first semester is to answer why native anthropology as a rule uses realistic conception of ethnography, while the second deals with whether the Serbian ethnology is a native anthropology?

Learning Outcomes: The ability of students to carry out socio-cultural analysis of scientific production in the Social Sciences and Humanities.

  • Narayan, Kirin 1993 How Native is a »Native Anthropologist« American Anthropologist 95, 3: 671-686; Ryang, Sonia 1997 Native Anthropology and Other Problems. Dialectical Anthropology 22: 23-49
  • Cvijić, Jovan 1987 Sabrana dela. Beograd: SANU, Književne novine i Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, knj. 3, tom 1.
  • Naumović, Slobodan 1998 Romanticists or Double Insiders? An Essay on the Origins of Ideologised Discourses in Balkan Ethnology. Ethnologia Balkanica 2: 101-120
  • van de Port, Matijjs 1999 ‘It Takes a Serb to Know a Serb’Uncovering the roots of obstinate otherness in Serbia. Critique of Anthropology Vol 19(1), 7–30
  • Kovačević, Ivan. Istorija srpske etnologije 1, Beograd 2001
  • Pišev, Marko. 2013. Politička etnografija i srpska intelektualna elita u vreme stvaranja Jugoslavije 1914-1919: Slučaj Jovana Cvijića. Beograd: Filozofski fakultet
  • Milenković, Miloš. 2010. Ka politici srpske etnologije za 21. vek. Beograd: Filozofski fakultet.
  • Kuper, Adam. 2003. The return of the Native. Current Anthropology 44(3): 389-402
  • Nash, June. 1975. Nationalism and Fieldwork. Annual Review of Anthropology, 4: 225-245