
Pedagogy – Bachelor’s Degree 2009
Moral Development
Status: optional
Recommended Year of Study: 4
Recommended Semester: 7
ECTS Credits Allocated: 4.00
Pre-requisites: Passed exams: 1) Developmental Psychology 2) Psychology of learning 3) Personality Psychology 4) Introduction to Educational Psychology

Course objectives: Acquiring knowledge about moral development; moral thinking (distinguishing between the factual and the value-related, nature of moral arguments etc.); understanding the relationship between ethics and psychology; understanding the school as a context for moral development.

Course description: Ethics and meta-ethics. The concept of morality. Gnoseological status of moral words. Nature of moral explanation. The concept of moral autonomy. Normative ethics: utilitarianism and deontology. Ethics and psychology. The concept of evil. Piaget's theory of development of moral reasoning. From objective to subjective responsibility. Punishment justice. Collective responsibility. The concept of responsibility. Kohlberg’s theory. Developmental stages of moral reasoning. Socio-ethical perspective. Morality and conventions. Distinguishing criteria. Turiel's theory. Development of altruistic behaviour. Empathy and altruism. Hoffman's theory. Prosocial moral reasoning. Eisenberg's theory. Cultural differences in explanations of moral judgments. Social learning theory. Experimental and non-experimental research. Baumrind's research. Bandura's modelling theory. Development of obedience and self-control. Psychoanalysis. Freud's theory of moral development. Jacobson's theory. Classification of moral development research. The problems in moral education.

Learning Outcomes: Student has acquired a basic knowledge about moral development as well as skills in encouraging moral development in the school and coordinating the moral discourse among participants in the teaching process.

  • 1. Mirić, J. (2001): Razvoj moralnog mišljenja, Kalekom i Institut za psihol., Beograd, odabrani delovi. 2. Miočinović, Lj. (2004): Moralni razvoj i moralno vaspitanje, Institut za pedag. istraživanja,
  • 3. Miočinović, Lj. (1988): Kognitivni i afektivni aspekti moralnog razvoja, Prosveta, Beograd, odabrani delovi. 4. Popović, B.: Moralni razvoj i moralno vaspitanje, Institut za pedag. istraživanja, Be
  • 5. Babić, J.: Moral i naše vreme, Prosveta, Beograd, odabrani delovi. 6. Primorac, I. (1977): Formalni i sadržinski aspekti moralnog vaspitanja